Saturday, August 27, 2011

Surprise Baby Shower!!!

So today I was totally, freakishly surprised by my childhood friend, Lisa and sister with an amazing baby shower!!! Anthony planned a fantasy football draft at our house and I convinced my sister to come in town to just hang out and make it a girls weekend.  The plan was to hang out for the afternoon at Lisa's house and maybe have a relaxed dinner out somewhere....NOTHING FANCY! It was 107 degrees today and I just wanted to be comfortable.  Sooooo, since we were just going to Lisa's to hang out, I donned the most pathetic outfit one could come across (see pics below)....I'll never let my sister live this one down, haha!  Needless to say, this was an incredible afternoon! So many wonderful friends helped me celebrate and I am so thankful to have them in my life!  Baby Luke Anthony is totally set!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Carys' 1st Day of School`

Today was Carys' first day of school!! She did great!! I think Anthony was the one more hesitant to start than Carys was :)  We knew she was ready for school (all she's ever know is staying home with her sitter since she was 6 months old or staying home with me over the summers) and have been preparing her (and ourselves) for this day all summer.  We talked about it, we read about it.....she has even been saying "Ruby and Max go to school, Olivia goes to school, the Backyardigans go to school" (all cartoon characters, of course!).  When people would ask her about school, she would say that she was going to "color, paint and do puzzles!"  For her first day, the school had a "summer splash day".  Carys loves the water, so we knew this would be a good start!  Although, I do know we are not out of the woods yet! We shall see what the next couple of days and weeks bring us as she grows accustomed to her new school and daily routine.  Here are just a few pics of her first day!  My baby girl is growing up way too fast!
Breakfast at home!

Ready for School!
All smiles!! Bye mama!!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Well Hello!

After much time thinking about blogging, I finally did it!  I'm blogging just to keep a record of our daily lives, especially when it comes to our baby girl, Carys and our new baby boy on the way.  Stay tuned for lots of pictures and pregnancy updates along the way :)